Seven years ago, she was sheltered. In need of guidance. I was a newly-ordained priest with a vow of celibacy. Our torrid love affair ended in heartbreak.
We broke it off and went our separate ways.
I left the priesthood. She left her home.
Seven years later, she’s stranded in my NYC Club while a blizzard rages outside, and she wants a taste of dominance.
I won’t let another man lay eyes on her, much less touch her.
She’s still my everything. My salvation.
And there’s no way I’m letting her go..
My Review:
Title: Salvation
Author: Jane Henry
Format: Audio
Narrators: Gunnar Qualen and Jenna St. Claire
Genre: Romance -Second Chance, BDSM, Suspense
Standalone: Yes
Part of a Series: Yes Book 4 of the NYC Doms series
POV: Chandra and Axle
Steam Level: Hot
Salvation is the second book I’ve read by Jane Henry and the first I’ve read of this series. I loved the elements of steam, second chance, and suspense. Both Chandra and Axle knew each other in a different life and I loved how they fit back together. I liked that the conflict in the story isn’t really about their relationship, with the exception of some (minor) inner conflict about their past, their societal roles in that past, and what could have been.
I loved the narration in this audiobook. The edits flow together with the narrators speaking the dialogue themselves, rather than whomever was reading that chapter doing the dialogue. It took a minute to get used to it but after I loved it.
I received this audiobook for free. This is my honest and voluntary review.
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