September Round Up: (A Little Late)
How Many Books Read/Listened To: 19 (but DNF’d 3 so I guess 16)
- The Vakarran Captives series box set by Sara Fields
- It Started With a Kiss by Marina Adair
- The Heart Chaser by Gina Azza
- Property of the Mountain Man by Gemma Weir
New (to me) Authors Read:
Marina Adair, Gemma Weir, Holly Roberds, J.L. Madore, Cassie Alexandra, B. Cranford (2 DNF’d authors not included)
A Look Forward:
Currently Reading (as of October 1st):
Reading (ebook): There’s Always Someday by Harloe Rae
Listening To: (audio): Ride or Die by Sheridan Anne
Books on the Calendar:
- There’s Always Someday by Harloe Rae
- The Bastard Prince by Alix Nichols
Exciting New Releases:
There’s Always Someday by Harloe Rae
I think (but am not positive) that Roxie Noir has new releases coming soon
Love 4 Goals:
I’m still behind on posting my reviews however I’ll be going on vacation and then my mom is throwing my stepdad and 75+1 birthday party the weekend after we get home. I’m bringing my laptop on vacation but no promises.
I also want to continue to do freebie posts on a regular basis.