Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!  I cannot believe how quickly 2016 flew past.  Now is the time of the year where people reflect upon the past and look to the future.  2016 was full of ups and downs, new beginnings and endings and a ton of fun and love.  All around I hear about how this past year sucked.  Society lost a ton of icons this year.  Politics were crazy (no matter your view) both at home and abroad.



Personally my year was pretty decent.  My hubby and I cruised with my mom and stepdad through the Panama Canal in April.  We visited Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, several parts of Mexico.  We went zip-lining, snorkeling and I got to be a Dolphin Trainer for a Day at Dolphin Adventure in Puerto Vallarta.  (I highly recommend this btw – not only can you swim with dolphins but sealions as well which I’ve never seen before).






Our family gained another nephew bringing the total up to six nephews and one niece.






Sigil Social Foundation, the nonprofit that hubby and I run, is going well and picking up speed.  We’re getting closer to our goal of opening up the safehouse for survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking.  Click Here to like us on Facebook and Here for Twitter.  For an easy way to support us and our innovative programs use AmazonSmile when making purchase.

And of course I started this blog – which has been fun.  As a reviewer on NetGalley and various other places I’ve had the opportunity to discover authors that are new to me.  For the most part the books have been great and I love finding authors I can support.  I look forward to continuing this blog and adding more features.   What are some that you’d like to see?  Being that it’s still early in my site you have the opportunity to impact what you see here!

Hers’s to an even better 2017.  Stay positive and filled with love!  Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.  Thanks for you support.

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before, and more importantly, you’re doing something. “ – Neil Gaiman

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