Low Tech Weekend

Low Tech Weekend

So yesterday our internet went down.

But never fear my techie hubby called our internet provider and we’re getting a new one. But it’s a thre day weekend! Are we doomed to have a low-tech weekend?

Ummm no. He ordered another route which will be here today.  In the meantime my NetGalley is out of control: I have five books due by the end of the month and several more in my email to read. I think I may be the only one who is maybe a little okay with this situation … well maybe not okay but definitely (probably?) won’t die   I mean I do have my phone (which is how I’m posting this)  So without further ado here is a sneak peak of upcoming books that will be featured on this blog.

See any you like! Personally I’m extremely excited for Break Me by Tiffany Snow (I  already have that one preordered This is just a bonus).  Also looking forward to the Christi Barth’s book Giving It All (I read Wanting It All lastv year so that review will be dropped in as well$ and meeting new to me authors such as Kristi Rose and Sky Jordan.  I’m currently a third of the way through Sisiters Ine Two Three. So far so good   The main character is a little too neurotic but it makes me giggle (rather than annoys me) so that’s a plus. Hope everyone has a great weekend. And I apologize for any typos – I mean I am on my phone 🙂

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