I’ve been exploring other blogs and have seen several that do an end of the month round up and a look of what’s to come in the month ahead. Usually in two different posts. I thought that this would be a fun addition to Love 4 Books. But because of my introvert nature I’m not quite sure if I have a enough to say for two posts (lol) so I figured I’d combine it into one post. This (obviously) is the first so it may change and evolve as they continue. What all do you want to see?
October Round Up:
How Many Books Read/Listened To: 24
- Brightness Falls by Vaughn Ashby was a mind fuck! It has horror, comedy, suspense, and time travel, I listened to it on audio but bought the e-book as well. I’m thinking about listening to it again since there are so many elements to it.
- Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark was a hilarious mafia, enemies-to-lovers, forced-marriage story. The heroine was a riot and the interplay between her and hero was highly entertaining..
New (to me) Authors Read:
Stacey Lynn, Siobhan Davis, Shae Sullivan, Robert Dodge, Vaughn Ashby, Michelle Fox, Cat Johnson, Lainey Davis, Sophie Lark, A.K. MacBride, Kit Fawkes
A Look Forward:
Currently Reading:
Reading (ebook): Into the Wild by Harloe Rae
Finished Today (audio): Craving by Hanleigh Bradley today (Review will be live tomorrow)
About to Start (audio): Instant Heat by A.K. MacBride
Books on the Calendar:
- I have two more Vaughn Ashby audiobooks that I’m looking forward to diving into after the A.K. MacBride audiobook.
- I don’t have any ARCs planned (well except the Roxie Noir book below) but will be signing up for more soon including Lynn Raye Harris (although that might be releasing in December) and Tracy Lorraine
Exciting New Releases:
Roxie Noir is releasing One Last Time which I’m looking forward to. If you haven’t met the Loveless Brothers then I highly recommend you do
Love 4 Goals:
I’m still really behind on posting my reviews so I want to try to post at least one a day (or every other day).
I also want to get back into freebie posts on a regular basis.